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Sabtu, 15 Oktober 2011

The word "Steve Jobs" Jumped up to 15,000 Percent

Today, Steve Jobs fans around the world dedicate October 14 as the Day of Steve Jobs. It became so much evidence that idolize Steve Jobs and his Apple products.

Steve Jobs Day may only be enlivened by Apple fans outside of Indonesia. Does this show the people of Indonesia do not care about the frenetic launch of the iPhone 4S and the death of Steve Jobs? Yahoo has the answer for this.

Starting from June 2011, data from Yahoo! Search revealed that the keyword 'iPhone 5', followed by a 'iPhone 4', is one of the top search categories of mobile devices. Three months later, Yahoo! Search observe similar trends and that the jump in the number of searches since the launch of the iPhone 4S.

Interestingly, Yahoo searches indicate that the user wants to know, whether the launch of the iPhone 4S decrease the price of the iPhone 3G and they are also interested in news about the confirmation of the launch of the iPhone 5, which has monitored more than 2,000 percent jump.

Among the many things that attract people of Indonesia is the actual price of the iPhone 4S (in the whole world and also in Indonesia). They are also interested to know about the stores in Indonesia, which has marketed the product.

Obituary of Steve Jobs created a ripple in searches on the news. Within a day, Yahoo search for the name 'Steve Jobs' jumped as much as 10,000 percent. However, soon after the death of Steve Jobs announced, Yahoo Search Trends noted a surge of 15,000 percent for the search keyword "Steve Jobs".

Also seen an increase in searches related to Steve Jobs biography, which may occur because of a desire to know its contribution to innovation and technology.

Indonesia wants to know about the society's official page to be able to participate in providing condolence message, biography, information about the health of Steve Jobs, and information about related families.

Searches through Yahoo This suggests that the Indonesian people want to know the news of the death of Steve Jobs and search specifications of the iPhone 4S observed increased 17,365 percent on the day of its release.

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