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Jumat, 09 September 2011

Facebook Has Lost 6 million Users in U.S

The report, released an independent monitoring sites showed that the Inside Facebook social networking Facebook has lost 6 million users in the U.S. and 100,000 users in the UK during May 2011.

Besides the U.S. and the UK, Inside Facebook states that 1.5 million Canadians leave Facebook over May 2011. Overall, however, Facebook users are still growing with a total of users around the world as much as 687 million users. India, the Philippines, and Indonesia became the country with new users in the world.

Is this a sign of Facebook fame began to fade? Responding to the report, the management of Facebook dismiss that Facebook users declined. They argued that, from time to time there has been some research suggesting that Facebook lost users in some areas of the world. In fact, research results were derived from data based on the ads that give facts what the coverage area of ??advertising on Facebook, not about the overall growth of Facebook users.

"We are pleased with the growth of Facebook users, and more than 50 percent of our active users per day access to Facebook," Facebook spokesperson said in a statement.

Adrian Drury, Head of Ovum Research, a market analyst firm, also said that in developed countries like the U.S. and the UK, penetration is already high up so that growth will not be significant. Moreover, not all Facebook users visit the site every day to log in to.

Source From : Blogger Maps

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